Amy Spalding’s Advice for Aspiring Novelists

We asked Amy Spalding , published author and marketing genius, on how she navigates the world of books. Here are five of her top tips!

Re-frame “success.” (you deserve financial security)

When asked how she frames “success,” Amy said that being a successful author doesn’t inherently equal No Day Job. Do you live in an expensive city? Do you have debt? Don’t feel ashamed for how you pay your bills! “Taking that pressure off actually lets me be more creative,” says Amy. “Let’s me feel more confident to do my work.”

Not all day jobs are created equal.

Let’s say it again louder for the folks in the back: YOU’RE STILL A REAL WRITER IF YOU HAVE A DAY JOB. However, Amy admits not all day jobs are created equally. Working in retail or food service will make it a little trickier for you to sneak potential downtime to knock out a page here or there. If you can snag any kind of office or administrative gig, you can usually find pockets of time to devote to your writing endeavors.

Amy, what is the traditional publishing route, if I want to go that way?


Write a book.
Find cool Internet people to help polish your draft.
Get ready to query!
Use resources (if you’re able to afford them)
If the agent likes it, they might request a partial or the whole book — wait to see what they say!
Maybe they want to be your agent now!
You eventually sign with somebody.
Once your agent is happy, they come up with a submission list,
Watch your inbox like “a panicked fool”

(Bonus Step: Take a deep breath, eat a snack.)”

Amy’s favorite tool:

Amy digs spreadsheets, like Save the Cat. This is a plot arc oriented FREE worksheet that offers a visual way of tracking your story. If you’re new to beat sheets, here’s a helpful explanation as to what they are and how they can help!

Final Advice:

"Don’t let people shame you. Don’t be ashamed if you want to make more money!!
(Also: everyone deserves to kiss.)


Laser Malena-Webber is one half of The Doubleclicks, an internationally touring band with seven independent albums (four of which charted on Billboard) and several viral music videos. They have aided in the fundraising of over $2 million for independent art projects. Laser’s crowdfunding consulting business, Laser Campaigns, is one of only twenty companies officially endorsed by Kickstarter.

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